Drapers’ Hall – Livery Hall Roof Void

The Drapers’ Hall was rebuilt in 1772. After a duration of two hundred & forty-seven years, the timbers which support the roof required attention. Restore London oversaw the installation of a newly designed tensioning system, along with a bespoke system of repair.

Each truss was surveyed individually, and where the structural integrity was found to be compromised, the Jakob tensioning system was installed. A total of twelve Jakob tensioning systems were installed.

Two redundant service voids were removed & new joists installed to strengthen the floor whilst twenty-four bespoke shake straps were installed. Ten Simpson strong ties were then installed to spread roof loading and eliminate unnecessary loading points onto the historic timbers.

Restore London surveyed & produced a detailed conditional survey of the fibrous plaster ceiling, cornice & wads. A considerable number of the wads were found to be failing. The wad’s & ties suspending the ceiling were strengthened by installing stainless steel wire fixed adjacent to each failed plaster & canvas wad.

Key Facts


Throgmorton Street, London


12 Weeks


The Worshipful Company of Drapers'


Sept 2019


Restore London



“Restore London brought a level of quality craftsmanship and skill that is rare in today’s construction market. They worked collaboratively, bringing their wealth of knowledge to every detail. Their contribution to the National Portrait Gallery can be seen wherever you look in the project. ”

Jamie Fobert CBE

Architect, Jamie Fobert Architects
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