The Drapers’ Hall was rebuilt in 1772. After a duration of two hundred & forty-seven years, the timbers which support the roof required attention. Restore London oversaw the installation of a newly designed tensioning system, along with a bespoke system of repair.
Each truss was surveyed individually, and where the structural integrity was found to be compromised, the Jakob tensioning system was installed. A total of twelve Jakob tensioning systems were installed.
Two redundant service voids were removed & new joists installed to strengthen the floor whilst twenty-four bespoke shake straps were installed. Ten Simpson strong ties were then installed to spread roof loading and eliminate unnecessary loading points onto the historic timbers.
Restore London surveyed & produced a detailed conditional survey of the fibrous plaster ceiling, cornice & wads. A considerable number of the wads were found to be failing. The wad’s & ties suspending the ceiling were strengthened by installing stainless steel wire fixed adjacent to each failed plaster & canvas wad.
Throgmorton Street, London
12 Weeks
The Worshipful Company of Drapers'
Sept 2019
Restore London
Jamie Fobert CBE
Steve Baldock
Stephen Crampton
Liz Smith
Louise Priestman BA(Hons)
Brian Hutchison
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