Restore London Ltd, working alongside Galliard Homes & EPR Architects, initially provided samples & technical solutions for required external finishes. A super-heated cleaning system was used to fully clean the facades including the adjoining buildings.
The RL team repaired and replaced various types of masonry consisting of stone, brickwork and glazed terracotta ashlars. Each material was appropriately finished / jointed using a variety of pointing techniques to match including artisan tuck pointing. Additional works included stucco, render, tinting and mineral paint matching of special bricks (which could not be sourced). Portland Stone renewal and sections of brickwork re-instatement. Finally, architectural metalwork repairs and replacements, York stone paving & steps as well as stone features. The resultant high-quality finishes are a testament to the Company’s all-round façade restoration ability.
52 Weeks
Crown Estates
June 2019
Galliard Homes
Jamie Fobert CBE
Steve Baldock
Stephen Crampton
Liz Smith
Louise Priestman BA(Hons)
Brian Hutchison
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