Nestled in the hub of Piccadilly lies Gordan Ramsey’s renowned Heddon Street Kitchen. Restore London’s team were tasked with a complete external envelope restoration scheme – all contractually to be completed in 12 weeks, however, after an approach by Gordon Ramsey himself at the point of Covid lock down relaxation, the team undertook to accelerate this Programme to just 7 weeks.
With a proactive approach, RLL obtained all licences & permits, carefully designed scaffolding & hoarding along with temporary lighting & temporary site services. Samples of cleaning & restoration tasks were then efficiently carried out & approved, with the full stone/brick cleaning & restoration works accelerated. Further works included roofing, Cast Iron rainwater goods, sky light repairs, redecoration, render renewal, & rear elevation abseiling – all of which was completed in an amazingly fast & effective sequence. Works were completed within the accelerated programme, much to the satisfaction of Chef Ramsey & his team.
7 Weeks (accelerated from a 12 week programme)
Crown Estates
April 2021
Restore London Ltd
Jamie Fobert CBE
Steve Baldock
Stephen Crampton
Liz Smith
Louise Priestman BA(Hons)
Brian Hutchison
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